A review by teamredmon
Dead Sea by Tim Curran


Alright here's the deal with this book, I would totally have rated this 5 stars but it's unbearably long. Everything is drug out to the point where I almost put it down several times. This was such a big issue for me that it very much took away from my enjoyment of the story. Which is a shame because I really loved this story and concept. The narrative of sailors trapped in a weird alternate Bermuda Triangle-ish shipwreck dimension with wriggly monsters is *chef's kiss*. The monsters in this tale were creative and quite unlike anything else I've read. The characters and dialogue were good. My only problem with this book, and yes I think it's such a big problem to knock off 2 whole ass stars, is that is just stupid long. As a 200-300 page book, this might be one of my new favorites but as an almost 600-page monstrosity it's just ok.