A review by catcherinthepi
FTL, Y'all!: Tales From the Age of the $200 Warp Drive by Julie Gravelle, Iris Jay, Nathaniel Wilson, Earl T. Roske, Olivia Northrop, James F. Wright, Evan Dahm, Skolli Rubedo, David Andry, Jonathon Dalton, Seren Krakens, Cindy Powers, Molly Kennedy, Sunny, C.B. Webb, Cheez Hayama, N.N. Chan, C. Spike Trotman, Kay Rossbach, Chris Williamson, Alexxander Dovelin, Ainsley Seago, Little Corvus, Xia Gordon, Luz Bianca, Maia Kobabe, J. Piechowiak, Miss Jamie Kaye, Rachel Ordway, Mary Anne Mackey, Ahueonao, Mulele Jarvis, Blue Delliquanti, Paul Schultz, Jay Eaton


3.5 stars -- as with lots of anthologies, with some stories it's hit and miss. I gotta say, I loved the art for pretty much all of them, so regardless of the story content at least the art was amazing. Also, HUGE win for representation here! So even if my rating seems kinda low, you should read this for undersung takes on democratized space travel, or the consequences thereof.

However, some stories simply felt unfinished or rushed. Others weren't the best constructed. And some I simply didn't agree with the premise/conclusion. Again, that's what you get with an anthology, but I was hoping for more of the stories to feel better-formed.

All that said, my favorites were "Granddad's second wife", "The senior project", "Prodigal sunset", "My stars and garters", "Soft physics", and "Words from the dead".