A review by janetted
Falling for the Backup by Toni Aleo


One of the most important positions on the ice is the goalie. Sometimes the entire fate of your team lies with the guy guarding your net. If he can't make the stops, the other team scores. These guys are beaten up night after night - hit with pucks, sticks and the occasional guy who just slides right into them. When it comes to favorite players, most girls go for the guys who score the most. Me, I almost always go for the goalie. ;) This leads me to a goalie I love - Jordan Ryan.

Jordan's currently serving as backup for the NHL's Assassins. While he loves his teammates and living in Nashville, he's not content with watching the game from the bench. He's worked hard to recover from a potentially career-ending injury, and he's eager to find a starting position. If it takes signing with another team to make that happen, Jordan's willing to do it. It's certainly not the right time for a relationship or anything else that might tie him to Nashville permanently.

It's just by chance that Jordan meets Aynslee Shaw on a flight home from Buffalo. She's a fiesty Irish girl who's funny, talkative and seems to be just what Jordan needs to bring him out of the funk his career has him in. They're immediately attracted to each other - normally that kind of instant attraction and infatuation sours a story for me. Not the case here; it definitely worked. Maybe it's because Jordan tries to do the right thing and walk away to spare them both the heartbreak he's sure will follow. Or maybe it's because I liked their chemistry and wanted them to just go for it, common sense be damned. Either way, the story that followed was fun, romantic and at times really hot and steamy. It was a pleasure to read and had me turning page after page to see if they could find a way to make things work and keep it together.

If you follow her on Facebook or twitter, Toni Aleo's love for hockey and passion for her team isn't a surprise. It's like Sadie says in FftB, "Oh yes, hockey is a part of life." For those hockey fanatics who are book nerds, the Assassins series is a dream come true - two favorite things in one fantastic ride. Can't wait to see what's to come this fall in the next installment, Blue Lines. It's sure to be more hockey goodness.

This review can also be viewed at www.3chicksafterdark.com.