A review by corncobwebs
Vlad the Impaler: the Man Who Was Dracula by Sid Jacobson

Yikes! This was intense. Lots of blood and gore. From what I skimmed of the Wikipedia article on Vlad the Impaler, this seemed to follow the trajectory of his reign fairly accurately. I wonder about the relationship with his brother, though, and how accurately it was represented in the comic. Like, did they have a hand-to-hand combat showdown that resulted in Radu claiming the rulership of Wallachia? That's the thing about non-fiction comics; there's always going to be some amount of artistic interpretation for the sake of the story.

But amongst all the spraying blood and impaled heads (not easy to forget), the part from this book I'll remember most is how Vlad the Impaler said "Oops." That was so hilarious to me, because I'm positive that's a word that never left his lips. You can impale my head on a stake if I'm wrong.

Also! Reading the Wikipedia article on Vlad the Impaler led me down a Wikipedia wormhole where I learned about fun things like Hapsburg jaws and inbreeding!! Sure glad I didn't live in the 1400s!