A review by morganjanedavis
We Spread by Iain Reid


Penny is deteriorating. She's having trouble getting around her apartment she once shared with her partner, everyday tasks are becoming large feats to complete. Clutter, unfinished paintings, small "reminder" notes litter her space. She simply can't keep up. Her body is failing her. Her since deceased partner knew this would happen. He's taken care of things, ensured Penny would be looked after. Penny is sent to be part of a community at Six Cedars and initially it's nice. Meals, activities, conversation with people her age sharing different experiences is worlds different from her solitary life in the city. Camaraderie is formed, she enjoys this. Until things begin to feel off. Penny can't quite pinpoint it but something, just isn't right. Days shouldn't mesh together as easily as they do at Six Cedars. It just doesn't feel natural. It isn't natural.

Wowowowowow. Disturbing, obscure, and unsettling themes hit the ground running fast in We Spread and never let up the pace. Reid has a way of flawlessly creating a heavy atmosphere in which the reader may not know all the facts but, they know it can't be good. Throughout Penny's experiences at Six Cedars, the shift from enjoyable to uncomfortable is unnerving due to the fact that this happens through minute occurrences. Small, slow, steady shifts. While We Spread does have shocking solid plot points, that wasn't what made the book what it is. The feeling of conspiracy and secret systems put into place gives the story its unique energy. The bubble on this distorted reality never quite pops, and that's okay. It doesn't matter. Whatever is going on, you know it's not good.

If you enjoy a24 horror, this would probably be a good fit for you.

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC of this title!