A review by xakyr
The Groom Wanted Seconds by Shirley Jump


Let me start by saying that I read this out of order and read [b:The Bride Wore Chocolate|1019498|The Bride Wore Chocolate (Recipes with Romance, #1)|Shirley Jump|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1180283358s/1019498.jpg|1005622] first. This book is set 2 years before that one and I found it interesting to see how the business that the three friends created actually got off the ground. Unfortunately, I didn't care for how Rebecca and Jeremy treated one another in this book, as if they were two high schoolers unable to decide that the other of them mattered to one another. I also really hated that Rebecca didn't tell Jeremy about what happened while she was gone, and that was something that really needed to be discussed with him! It was a good book, but not great. Thankfully, I know that this author improves with the next book, so I'm hoping she'll continue to build on things and get even better!