A review by sc104906
Night Music by Jenn Marie Thorne


I received this eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Ruby is the youngest child in a musically famous family. Her father is a famous composure, her older siblings both play in prestigious orchestras. After Ruby’s mother left the family, so that she could spend more time on her own music career, Ruby has taken a harder look at her own relationship with music. Ruby thought that if she tried hard enough and worked long enough her mother would be proud and be more emotionally available. Ruby knows that it is never going to happen when her mother leaves. Ruby isn’t as talented as her family and has decided to try other things. However, her father brings in a protégé composure, who is her age, to live and learn with the family and hopefully earn money for the school her father works for. Oscar is adorable and Ruby cannot keep herself away from him, even though being with him is a constant reminder of her musical inadequacies. However, it might be Ruby’s perspective that will help keep Oscar sane as the musical world begins demanding more and more from him and forcing him to fit a mold that doesn’t fit.

I loved Oscar, but I never warmed up to Ruby. I felt that she was a side character in her own story. The problem is that she has been a side character in her own life and her journey away from that is the point of the book. I think readers who are musically inclined will respond to this book, but those who don’t know much or care much will be bored by large parts of the story. I love this author, but this book did not work for me. I will continue to read her novels. This one will reach out to a specific reader and I just so happen to not be that reader.