A review by exhaleartist
Nightspell by Leah Cypess


I adored Mistwood! Absolutely, completely, fell in love with that book, so I had very high expectations for Nightspell. It took me ages to actually get my hands on a copy, but when I finally did it when to the top of my reading pile. Unfortunately, while I enjoyed it, this never really lived up to Mistwood. I am not even quite sure why, but it just never clicked with me.

The multiple narrators was both a good and bad thing. It allowed for various viewpoints into the story and setting, but it felt like it broke up the natural flow of the story. Whenever it seemed like I was beginning to connect with one of the characters, the point-of-view would change. Darri and Callie’s relationship was probably my favorite element of the story. I loved the exploration of the changing dynamic between the two of them. The only other character with whom I felt any real connection was Kestin. Although I feel like his potential for the story was never fully realized. Clarisse is the only character that makes the jump from Mistwood to Nightspell, and she remains devious and cunning.

The story and plot were chalk full of potential. Just read the summary and you will realize that. Unfortunately it feels like much of that potential is lost. There are some truly brilliant moments in the story. There’s a huge plot twist that I absolutely adored. I did see it coming, so I was not shocked by it, but I loved the way the author handled it. I also liked the parts between Kestin and Clarisse and the scenes between Kestin and Darri.

Overall Nightspell was an interesting, nice little fantasy, but it never succeeded in realizing its full potential. If you are looking for a good fantasy to read, I would definitely recommend Mistwood over Nightspell. This was worth the read, but not something I will probably read again. I will be looking forward to see what the author does next though.