A review by madeleinehelena
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham


"It was a trap, this business of being a woman. The simple truth of it was that after all her efforts to secure her independence, she was still stuck. To accomplish what she ought, she need not have bothered with years of being single-minded and industrious. She needed only to have been born a man."

Feminist historical romance, yes please! Poppy fighting for independence and longing to be able to support herself is both uplifting and depressing - the latter due to the many obvious inequalities of simply being born a woman.

However, the "alpha heroine and beta hero being intimate"-parts of the story to me felt sort of out of place - almost like I was reading about two different characters. And the major conflict related to this was dismissed/resolved a bit too quickly - as if the characters had discussed it out of earshot from the reader.