A review by tien
Godblind by Anna Stephens


When I picked this book up, I thought it was a stand alone. When I got around halfway and things still did not progress to enable a satisfying ending in this book, I started to get a bit confused. It was around then that the Goodreads' page was updated to reflect that this is the first book of a trilogy. I was rather upset...

Nevertheless, it was an interesting but very very dark book. It was also so very violent (I am thinking of one particular incident from which I literally winced & I think all males may just have run to the bathroom and vomit from imagining it only). So, yea, this author was certainly NOT shy! I haven't read all the books in the world so I can't say if it's ever happened anywhere else or if any male author would have written such a scene. Can you tell that it's totally shocked me?

The beginning was quite slow but then again there's a new set of world being built. There were also quite a number of perspectives from a number of different locations. It wasn't that easy to get into but a couple of the characters were easily likeable so that helps. When the battles begin, the rest of the book flew by in what felt like minutes.

If you like your fantasy dark and full of action, I'd recommend this first book of The Godblind Trilogy. It's a brutal world filled with bloodthirsty power-grabbing villains with a vision to rule the world. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for the sequel (warning: a bit of a cliffhanger of an ending).

Thanks to HarperCollins Australia for copy of book in exchange of honest review