A review by renaes01
To Ashes and Dust by Luna Laurier



3.5 This book was hard for me to rate because there were moments in this book that I loved and that were 5 stars and then there were some that were 2 stars.

The plot was engaging at some points but then there were periods when it would be boring. There were so many scenes that could’ve been cut out. There were a few plot twists that I didn’t see coming and some truly heartbreaking scenes which I really liked.

After a big secret between Cas and Damien wasn’t revealed in book one I thought it would be revealed early-ish in this book but it drove me absolutely insane that we had to wait until towards the end. And there was no impact on the relationship from this secret being revealed which makes me think what was the point in dragging it out for so long. By the end there were more secrets being kept for stupid reasons.

I still love Cas and Damien together, they are very sweet and there is no angst between them. I was getting sick of the constant nicknames though.

I’m not sure if I will continue the series.