A review by jtbrooksbooksandreviews
The Day I Stopped Falling for Jerks by Max Monroe


**Spoilers For the Second Book In The Duet**

The first and second books are told from mainly a podcast style. This format allows for funny moments from the technical and producer staff. This story telling method was a unique one for me and I found it fun and refreshing. I loved that Max Monroe used this duet to give us both sides of the story!

The first book has me hooked with Lucky’s funny self-deprecation and outlooks on the world. I kept wanting to see what was going to happen between her and the other characters. I enjoyed how easily she was able to make friends and her dedication to her job. Her banter with Oliver was hilarious and angsty. The end of this book had me curious how the second book was going to finish Lucky and Oliver’s tale.

I loved that the second book was from Oliver’s perspective and then at the every end both Oliver and Lucky. To hear how Oliver saw everything helped the reader to understand how Oliver and Lucky didn’t share a common view and had so many misunderstandings. Oliver’s love of Lucky tugged at my heart and made me melt for him. I wanted to shout at Lucky that she was being dumb so many times, even though I knew her side from the previous book.

I have yet to read a Max Monroe book that didn’t keep me reading, laughing, and rooting for the couple to find their happily ever after. This duet was fun due to it’s podcast style writing and dual perspectives.