A review by abrunettereads
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I’m at 31%, have been rage reading it only because this seriously cannot be something thousands of people have liked, recommended and made it a best-seller; right?

My biggest gripe was the hacking. Everyone and their mother is brilliant at hacking YET the FMC just continues to live in this godforsaken house without any security? Don’t even get me started on the relationships. Both the friendship and the stalkership are so shallow, a baby could wade theough it.

The MMC is a walking toxic-misogynistic-ahole of a conundrum. Mr. I stalk and r*pe a woman but hey i also save girls from trafficking but I hate talking to rpist but i am a r*pist.

Eff this book. I doubt I’ll rage finish it.

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