A review by libralita
The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan


This book was a lot of fun, it wasn’t as good as the first book but I enjoyed it. Alex was a tad annoying, she was too grumpy and not very fun. Reminded me too much of Thalia. I think I’ll grow to like her in the next book. I kinda ship her and Magnus.

2nd book in a row that I’m reading about a talking sword. Here’s hoping Jack isn’t as evil as Nightblood.

You can mention shooting up heroin in a middle grade book? That’s weird.

Also Amir is my new favorite character, though it was really sad hearing that Sam was going to retire after book three and Magnus would just be immortal. Maybe it’s my irrational fear of immortality but that sounds really scary. Maybe by the end of it, Magnus will turn mortal and go live with Annabeth. I dunno.

“‘Yeah. I remembered what you said about sailing to Greece and…yeah.’ I didn’t want to bring up all that horrible stuff again. She had cried when she told me about the things that had happened to her during their voyage, especially how she and her boyfriend, Percy, had fallen into some underworld place called Tatarus.”—Page 457

Ahhhh, my poor baby.

Magnus is going to meet Percy! I’m so excited!