A review by powisamy
The Light that Gets Lost by Natasha Carthew

Review to come...

When I first started this, I was interested in it because obviously the rating is not the best and I was wanted to know why. I was even intrigued as the beginning was quite promising and I found that I was actually enjoying the book. But I think this kind of goes downhill.

The plot goes to places that I would have never have guessed and yeah it is pretty weird. While it goes this, I did find it enjoyable, but I think what is more it gives you information about the farm that they are on and does very little with this. I think if this was developed it may have been quite different and I would feel a different way about it.

Although the characters are not developed wholly, I did enjoy what we did get of them and I liked the kind of found family elements that are weaved into the story. Trey is a somewhat a unique character but again he is kind of a product of the writing, in the sense that it is poetic and lyrical and no teenage boy would actually speak like that. I also did like Lamby and the whole ending was quite gripping and hopeful.

As I briefly mentioned before one of the highlights of this book was the writing. The opening of the book was really beautiful and although this led to a slight disconnect at the end, I do think that the writing was one of the strong points throughout.

The Verdict:

The Light that Get's Lost is an interesting story that explores what happens when you find your tribe in the oddest of places.