A review by wunder
The Complete Scissor Link Series by Georgette Kaplan, Georgette Kaplan


This edition includes Scissor Link and the follow-on Face It. Though loosely connected, the two books have pretty different vibes.

If you thing is horny lesbian aerospace engineers with a side of boss lady kink, you have found the mother lode with Scissor Link. The engineering and military contracting parts are actually pretty good, so engineers don't need trigger warnings. But anyone in HR risks uncontrollable laughter or breaking out in hives, depending on whether they've had to deal with this sort of thing. Janet is controlling and super-uptight and I wish the book spent a little more time on her back story. Wendy is a hoot, sort of a magic pixie dream butch, though she sticks around. The scene where she takes off her shirt to change Janet's tire is a hoot, with Janet trying not to react.

Face It has a very different vibe, a second. chance / toaster oven thing with fake dating. Yes, that sounds complicated and it is. Throw in a loud Irish family at Christmas, a small-town feud, and it is a book that should sink under all of the stuff, but actually cruises along nicely.