A review by willia4
MultiReal by David Louis Edelman


This is the second book in a trilogy. And it fills that space in the traditional fashion.

It doesn't start the story. Its predecessor took care of that. And the ending leaves all of the loose ends lying there. Loosely. One assumes this is so its sequel will have something to do.

But the third of the story told in Multireal is competent. There's little else to say that I haven't said about the first book in this trilogy, Infoquake. This book isn't better that that. But it's not worse.

I think the characters are not drawn as well in this sequel as they were in the first. But that could just be a consequence of the characters, though they do fine in a single novel, not really being up to the task of filling out an entire trilogy. It doesn't help that Natch (the most interesting and entertaining character by far) spends a good deal of time absent with others saying "Where's Natch?!".

High drama, it's not. But, it's mostly unsurprising. And that's not bad for light (almost fluffy) Sci-Fi. Is it?