A review by egeorjeana
Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock


As a neuropsychologist and reformed (-ish) theater kid, this book hit a sweet spot for me in its approach to the content. What I appreciated most about Rock's writing was that it was so clearly rooted in science, and he took the time to explain how and why. This was not a frivolous "hack your life" book, nor was it really about "hacking your brain," per se, but rather a book about knowing your brain and using that knowledge to your advantage. While rooted in some complex science, Rock managed to explain the core of the work in the field without shying away from the content. It really made this book feel accessible to a wide variety of readers - you certainly don't need to be a neuroscientist to understand it, but if you are a neuroscientist you won't feel bored out of your mind (brain?). Reading this book allowed me to make immediate everyday changes in my life that have already clearly had benefits in my work. Even when knew some of the background, Rock presented everything in terms of active opportunities for change rather than passive statements about human nature.

TLDR; this book was very well done and well-balanced, and I recommend it for readers of all backgrounds.