A review by thechanelmuse
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot


"There isn't a person alive who hasn't benefited from my mother's cells."

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lackswill make you feel a range of emotions because of the subject matter, Henrietta’s back story, the branch of stories within the main rooted story that highlights her children, the absolute rare and unique nature of Henrietta’s cells, and the voice of Deborah Lacks. This book could’ve only been told this way.

I’ve known about Henrietta Lacks and her unforgettable family for years, but kept putting this book off for obvious reasons. Hauntingly unsettling. Just one of many pages within the medical exploitation of Black Americans. Henrietta’s stolen cellular language speaks in the form of indefinite replication outside of the body as the sole provider used in cure and treatment discovery that impacts the world. She existed before I was born and she’ll continue to exist after we all pass on. How can something be traumatizing, infuriating, and fascinating all at the same time…