A review by courtney_mm
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare


I think Diana being transgender caught me off guard more than anything I've ever read... like I was expecting her secret to be all mysterious and shadow hunter related but it was so.... human. and Contemporary. and normal? Also it was the first time I've ever read about a transgender fiction character before so go clare!! go Diana!! ( who I'm pretty sure is black)

So thus far I've established my favorite characters:

I mean jullian and emma are great and all but emma is annoying and a little to basic with her bad ass sarcasm. And Julian is just like eh. But I totally ship them and think the thing about "every parbati breaking" is a lie. I also really ship Ty and Kit.

Also this book is sooo contemporary like oh hello Trump and your gang of bigots! Good to see you in the shadow hunter world!!




I was prepared for some tragedy to occur like maybe mark dying or Jullian and emma finding out they could never be together. BUT NOT THIS. NOT LIVVY. WHY WOULD CLARE DO THIS????

as mentioned before, livvy was one of my favorite characters. I loved her and ty. omg what's going to happen to ty??? HE NEEDS LIVVY. HE NEEDS HER!!!!!!

this completely caught me off guard and I'm furious and I hate Annabel, I hate clare rn I hate this whole series!!! why!!! literally anyone else (except maybe ty) could die and I would be completely fine with it. I actually wanteddd someone to die cause in this big ahh book, nothing really juicy happened. like, I don't even remember what happened cause I felt like nothing happened. and I wanted to feel enraged and shocked. BUT KILLING LIVVY WAS TOO FAR! TO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

um actually I have no idea. will ty and kit become parabati? date?? I feel like ty is too broken to do anything tho. maybe livvy will be a ghost!?

poor Julian. losing emma and ty. no idea wtf he's gonna do either except get some serious revenge on Annabelle. Might break the parabiti curse? I feel like he's pissed off to do that

the chorot will probably take over and be a bitch but someone will eventually stop them

war with the unseelie???????

honestly so much is going to happen it's unreal

oh shoot... without robert there will be no exile. AND WHAT, WHO IS THIS MYSTERIOUS SEBASTIAN/SEELIE QUEEN BABY I HEAR OF??