A review by princesscai08
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank


I find it hard to review this book. It is not like it is a work of fiction that I can tear apart the plot. It is not like it is a standard non-fiction book that I can tear apart the writing. It is a raw depiction of what really happened to a girl who along with her family and a few others were hidden away for years in hopes of avoiding the Nazis.

Even though Anne thoroughly describes exactly how she is feeling being cooped up and living in constant fear, I could not imagine being in her position. This book had to be published. It was incredibly insightful. If people in hiding were going through so harsh conditions, you could barely imagine the concentration camps. It was moving and I respect Otto Frank’s decision to keep it largely uncensored and unchanged. It would have hurt him immensely to read how his daughter truly felt towards the situation. It would have been like rubbing salt into the wounds of already losing his entire family.

My recommendation: Everyone should read this book, especially if you are into WWII.