A review by abookishaffair
Color Song by Victoria Strauss


"Color Song" is the continuing story of Giulia, young woman who is forced to go to a convent. The first book in the series was called "Passion Blue" and "Color Song" s definitely a standalone book. However, that being said. you may want to read "Passion Blue" first because it is a very good book and does give some insight into Giulia's means. "Color Song" picks up almost where the last book leaves off Giulia is still in the convent and is dreading her life there. Her painting mentor has just passed away and has left Giulia with a secret recipe that many people would do many things to get. The only thing that Giulia can think of to do is run away.

While I really enjoyed "Passion Blue," I think that "Color Song" definitely has a lot more action. Again this is a young adult, historical fiction book that takes place during the Italian Renaissance. It's filled with rich detail and great characters. It is definitely a treat for historical fiction fans! All of the action kept me turning the pages! Giulia runs away from the convent in Padua and tries to go to Venice, where she hopes to become an apprentice to a famous Venetian painter. I loved reading about her journey!

Italy is just about one of my favorite places to read about. I especially like historical fiction set within Italy and the Renaissance definitely makes for a very interesting time period. The author does a great job of incorporating a lot of historical detail to really make the setting and the time come to life for the reader! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it definitely kept me entertained.