A review by m_seals
Crush by Eve Newton


I don’t even know where to start.

Firstly, there was FAR too much happening in this short of a book.
There was no true plot, even. Just a bunch of “major” conflicts thrown together and not tied together by anything, really. It felt like most were included just to check the box of “Yep! Included ______ trope! Next.”
Things were so rushed, I had to go back and read things just to try and figure out how we had gotten to that point.
There was no build up to a legitimate climax of the story, just tiny conflicts that were blown way out of proportion for the sake of dramatics.
I’m all for different POVs in a book. Five? Five is too many. It’s confusing, and the POV switch does nothing to further the nonexistent plot, but rather to let the men explain how in love with her they are.

Secondly, the main female, Ruby, is a Mary Sue of I’ve ever seen one.
She’s perfect, but has a “dark and twisty” past just for the sake of having one. She’s called the Black Widow because she killed one (1) man, and her sister said “You’re strong, like a black widow. You’ll get through this.”
The story takes place in Manchester, UK, but the FMC is from America. For no reason other than to have the varying accents of the hot men around her.
The author tried far too hard to make her seem dangerous and formidable, but just ended up making her annoying. She claims to “run the city” but she’s only been around for five years. Plus, she’s a Mafia Queen at 26. A mafia queen with no real “crew” isn’t very powerful or mafia-esque. Also, she got to this much power without having killed a single person (outside the one that made her the “black widow”). That’s… hard to believe, even in fiction.
She has “heightened security” to hide her things. Like a vault that has all her laundered cash and weapons stash that requires a palm scan, two (2) retina scans (because you have to blink between them to make sure it’s a live eye?).
Every single person she meets falls in love with her. The deadly assassin who’s been “protecting” her for nearly eight years at the request of her father. Her assistant, who we were led to believe was gay until he admits that he thought he was until he met her and decided he was pansexual. Her bouncer at the club who has somehow known about her underground business for years without her knowing. Her bouncer’s best friend who she just hired to be the bouncer of her underground casino.
She claims to not get involved with her employees, but throws that out the window right away. She “fires” the guys several times to justify her attraction to them. They all straight up refuse to obey her, and she’s totally fine with that.

Lastly, I have read many a book in my lifetime, but I have never ever seen an author use the word “humongous” as an adjective. Especially in an adult-oriented novel written by an adult. Just another example of how they tried too hard to make the FMC quirky but dangerous.

Overall, this was just far too much crammed into a book that wasn’t big enough to hold it all. But, it was such a hot mess train wreck that I just couldn’t stop looking at.