A review by mmattmiller
Who We Are!: All about Being the Same and Being Different by Robie H. Harris


Wayyy too long and conversational. To me, a lot of this is valuable to talk to kids about, at some time or another. But to me, a lot of this should come from parents, teachers, adults conversationally. It shouldn't be scripted, because we would want kids to feel like we believe this, we know this, without having to read it. Although, I will say that I do use books a lot, so maybe that's an unfair claim. I do think it is way too long though, and kids would get bored quickly. They would not be able to sit through this in one sitting, or if they could, they would not want to. They would want silly stories or adventures, not analyzing all of our differences in one sitting. It's okay, and has some good information for kids to hear, but isn't one I would use.