A review by ld2
The Proposal by Piper Scott


First, this book, even though it is the second in a series, can be read as a standalone. However, it is part of an overall omegaverse arc that takes place in in Aurora, Colorado. There are overlapping characters and references to previous events in past books. The Single Dad Support Group series is a spinoff of the His Command series which was, in turn, a spinoff of the Rutledge Brothers series. The Rutledge Brothers series chronicles the trials and tribulations of escaped and rescued omegas from an illegal brothel. His Command series expands the universe and introduces characters who both helped the rescued omegas or were previously victimized themselves. The Single Dad Support Group focuses on the children from the His Command series. Once again, you don’t need to read these books in order to enjoy “The Proposal,” but if you enjoy “The Proposal” I highly suggest you check them out.

Gage is an omega with a secret. A life changing, plan altering secret. The kind of secret that seems impossible to keep, but keep it he does. Even though keeping this secret nearly destroys Gage and forces him to live in poverty and despair. But some sacrifices are worth it. Aaron, Gage’s one, true love, is worth keeping this secret. Because five years ago, Aaron got Gage pregnant right before he left to go study abroad, and Gage has never told him. But now Aaron’s completed his PhD and he’s back home, and standing right on Gage’s doorstep, about to meet the son he never knew he had.

I’ll be honest, my heart was beating so hard throughout this book. There were times I had tears in my eyes, and times when I was laughing out loud. Make no mistake, there’s angst in this book, (Gage definitely shares a lot of problematic traits with his omega father, Gabriel, one of the main characters from “Heal”, book four in the His Command series), but there’s also so much love and determination. The love Aaron and Gage have for each other is on the epic scale – the lengths they will go to protect and support each other, even when misguided, is extreme and breathtaking. I also loved the family and child elements in the story.

The writing quality was great with beautiful character growth and fantastic plot pacing – everything felt like it moved so naturally. At no points did I find the plot dragging or scenes moving too fast. There was also so much emotion in this story, and it was all written with so much care that it felt natural. Plus, the sex scenes were so unique and steamy. I was fanning myself at a few scenes they were that hot.

Michael Ferraiuolo narrated the audiobook, which means it was beyond fantastic. Michael has quickly made his way to the top of my audiobook narrator lists. His character voices are perfect and consistent, with a smooth and pleasant tone, yet unique so I could differentiate between each character. There was a lot of different emotional ranges in this book, and Michael performed them all perfectly. In fact, his performances brought me to near tears at point. I cannot recommend this audiobook highly enough.