A review by nitzanschwarz
Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis


As always, Shalvis is my go-to author when I need sweet, cute, and heartwarming. Her romances and small towns are always so fun to read about, and they completely capture you and refuse to let go.

This series specifically is a lot of fun because the animals are ADORABLE. Beans is way cute, Gret is amazing, Peanut is delightful and all the animals that come and go make my heart warm. Seriously, men and women who love animals are just so sexy in my eyes!!

And Dell... Dell Capital L loves animals. And he is sweet and warm and caring. He uses an easy-going veneer to keep people at bay so they would never be close enough to hurt him, but he is fiercely protective and careful with the people who manage to break past that. All of that just makes him 12 times more sexy in my eyes.

One of those people who break through is Jade. Pretty, OCD, serious, and snarky, she appeared one day in Sunshine, Idaho, and has been keeping Dell off balance ever since. I loved this girl. She is strong and fierce but also vulnerable. She goes out to find strength and balance again, and the fact it doesn't always work doesn't deter her or keep her down. I loved how her healing progress was portrayed - not as a rising curve but as a jagged line of ups and downs. I was worried she would magically be better, but there was no magic involved. Just a lot of hard work, care and determination, and yes, quite a bit of help from the aforementioned sexy vet.

I loved watching their relationship progress, and their relationship was as sweet as it was HOT, but I really wanted to see more scenes with them as an established couple at the end. Maybe a meeting with the parents, too. I wasn't ready for the book to close, and my kindle did that annoying thing where it tells you there are 14 more minutes left, but actually, those are all previews for other books by the author, so you get sucker punched by the end. Seriously, petition to make previews NOT count toward to total page count and reading time?? It blindsides me every. freaking. time.