A review by anredman
Ring by Kōji Suzuki


I rather enjoyed the novel Ring. I've read very little from Japanese authors so I cherished the setting, customs and odd character quirks. Didn't even mind the confusing maps, routes and landmarks.

The story is written fairly tight. There are not a lot of extraneous characters, dialogue or descriptions. The methodology and history of the ghost was very clever. I'm impressed with what can be expressed with an economy of words.

Implications of global catastrophe hinted at the end... That's a killer hook to leave it on. Will probably purchase the sequels, Loop and Spiral.

Perhaps it's my Western sensibilities, but I would of preferred more spurring on events along the way. Bad smells, bad visions, bad dreams, small injuries, irrational fears, etc to creep up on the main characters. Having two flawed main characters was interesting and appreciated, however, I would love more female characters that weren't just inconvenient wife and daughter' or 'evil demon woman'. Also hugely not a fan of the cavalier attitude towards rape, FFS.