A review by amandalynn6
Athica Lane by Brynne Asher


Ok, this is 100% a me problem, but when describing a man’s facial hair in a book, it cannot be anything but clean shaven, scruff, or a real beard. Anything else and my brain is like no he’s a tv villain, or a dirt bag. Cam has a goatee, and in real life men with goatees are fine, I mean personally it isn’t my favorite form of facial hair, but it’s not terrible. In a book though? No. I can’t do it. I think I also just don’t like the word, and it was said sooo many times!! 50 to be exact, and that is way more times than a word like that needs to be used. It doesn’t help that Cam is also constantly in athletic gear, and I know this means shorts and a tee shirt, but throw in the word goatee and I’m picturing the matching track suits of some bad guys in a Guy Richie movie. Totally a me problem though. So if you don’t mind that word being said 50 times, and also Cam being blonde, this won’t be so bad. I really like Asher’s writing style, and this plot, while predictable, was fun. Paige was awesome, and her relationship with Cam’s kids was so sweet. Jordy’s protectiveness was adorable. Most of my complaints lie with Cam. The way he talks about his ex wife is not great. I mean he’s not wrong, she’s terrible, but it could have been approached differently. He’s also full of red flags that honestly wouldn’t even work in a darker romance novel for me. He’s controlling, and has some anger issues that are not attractive. Maybe I’d be more forgiving if he had a different kind of facial hair though lol. 

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