A review by booksbybindu
Deep Water by Emma Bamford


‘Deep Water’ is a maritime take on a locked room mystery that starts with a naval vessel picking up distress signals in the middle of the Indian Ocean. They find a catamaran drifting with a couple onboard, the husband Jake unconscious and his wife Virgine very distressed and claiming that she killed them all. As she recounts her story we learn that she and Jake have given up their lives back in the UK, bought a boat and decided to sail around the Indian Ocean. But they have heard of nirvana, namely a deserted island 400 miles from anything where like-minded people gather each year. They made their way there and joined in the fun. But soon it becomes claustrophobic and dangerous!

As someone who grew up with a more alternative childhood, the idea of that island sounds like bliss to me! I'm always trying to persuade my friends to live in a commune. I enjoyed reading about Jake and Virginie’s story as it felt real and authentic, especially when it comes to the part about living on the ocean. This comes from the author’s experience and this gives the story substance and credibility. You feel the sun and water as you read about them and it has made me want to get back to the Maldives asap!

This was an enjoyable read that was suspenseful from the get-go right to the end! It reeled you in and I became engrossed in Virginie’s story and loved how it managed to weave past, present and future into one entertaining tale.

Let me know if you pick this one up.