A review by readingvicariously
Tomb of Gods by Brian Moreland


If I see a title that involves Egyptian mythology and tombs beneath pyramids then I'm automatically on board. So I guess the author hooked me in early just with that, but I'm pleased to say that not only did this set up pay off, but the book rises to an epic level I was not expecting and goes in insane directions that I never saw coming.

I truly am going to say very little about the plot here. I want you to be as surprised as I was with each new unfolding event. What I will say is that the book wastes no time in getting to the good stuff. Our characters get to the dig site and things start going sideways very quickly. And speaking of characters, I love the ones constructed here. Imogen is fantastic as our egyptologist heroine, and other characters I liked include Caleb (her photographer-turned-love interest) and Dyfan (the blind assistant with a special sixth sense). Even the characters you're supposed to hate - namely expedition leader Trummel and head of security Gosswick - were fully realized and well done. The author does a good job of blending in the character's backstories and motivations with the current horrors they are facing.

And believe you me, there is a lot of horror here. And a nice variety as well. Lots of tense moments, gruesome violence, and eerie happenings. To say this book is a mix of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider is wildly underselling it, but I did enjoy the overall focus on exploration and puzzle-solving (as well as the numerous creatures and nightmares that make an appearance). I wish I could talk about the final act, but I can't. Just know that it blew my mind. Go read it and get back to me so we can talk.

I know a little about Egyptian mythology, but there's so much here that I'd never heard of. I spoke with the author and he mentioned doing about a year of research, and it shows - from references to specific archaeological sites/finds, to ancient Egyptian belief systems, to the construction of the afterlife and the various layers therein. Not only was a I enamored by all the (new to me) lore, but I was also excited to see scenes of what I knew (such as a particular moment where hearts are weighed against the feather of Maat for eternal judgment).

Overall I loved this book! It's a longer one, and some parts did start to drag for me, but I never lost interest in what was happening or fearful anticipation of what was going to happen next. It's a wonderful mix of mythology, thriller, and horror. Highly recommend!

*4.5 stars rounded up for Goodreads