A review by hollyreadsromance
The Summer Playbook by Jaqueline Snowe

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I LOVED the first one?! Like a lot! And this one is with Lo’s best friend and her twin brother!? Which I would normally LOVE, but it’s just not hitting this time.

I’m probably gonna try and go back and finish it later! Cause I do like this universe and there a couple hints about who the other books could be about which I’m excited about! So we’ll see!

And truthfully I think this one will get good! But I’m feeling very impatient about it right now. And honestly Dean’s weird thing about acronyms and abbreviations are CRINGE and I cannot get over it??

thank you so much to Jacqueline Snowe for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

DNF @ 49%