A review by noahbw
The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon


I loved this book... until the end. I was glad that Lou was able to pursue his dream of working in astronomy, but it didn't feel right. To me, it seems like he would have still cared about Tom and Lucia and Marjory, but not the stars. I didn't think that made any sense. If his social abilities were altered, and developed, then I had thought that would happen with his relationships as well. I didn't think that he wouldn't have wanted to go into space anymore, I just figured he would also retain feeling for Marjory.

I found the chapter from when Lou is recovering very interesting, because it lacks coherent sentences. At first I liked it, but it was also very frustrating because I couldn't imagine what anything would look like because it was just a whole bunch of words strung together.

I thought this book was really good, interesting, and well-written, because it covers some important topics and asks some good questions. I really enjoyed having it written from Lou's point of view- I liked all of the little things that he paid attention to, and how he would do things only because he knew he should, though he didn't really understand why. He was often unsure of why people used particular phrases or expressions, and what they meant.

Not only does this book give a very literal look into our world, but it also has a very interesting plot line- Lou is being stalked and attacked by someone he thought was a friend, and he is trying to find the courage to ask Marjory to dinner.

Something else that I found very interesting about this book was that Lou is a fencer (though I probably found this interesting because I fence too). The specific type of fencing that they do intrigued me- it is more classical then visually-judged foil. They fenced with two weapons at a time, epee, rapier, and dagger. I suppose this would be like in-the-round fencing? Anyway, Lou did take part in a tournament, in which the participants dress up in medieval garb and can even have a "persona"... I must admit, it sounds like a lot of fun.