A review by mimimilaa
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt


I had a lot of problems with this book. Not the book itself, but my reading experience was ruined by books that I had to read for my AP Literature class at the same time I read it. I sped through the first half of this book, it wen't by so quickly and I was thoroughly enjoying it. The pace was great and even though the book was thick, I didn't think it was slow; I got into the story very quickly. However, I had to put it down for a few weeks and read some books for my english class, which lead to my problems reading this book. Once I could finally start reading it again, I would dread picking this book up. But then, when I was reading it, I loved it just as much as I had in the beginning. Then, I'd put it down and it'd be hard to pick it up again. Luckily, I did power through this book and I'm really glad that I did, because I really liked it.
Don't let my reading experience ruin your opinion of this book. It's written extremely well and it's a beautiful modern coming-of-age story. I definitely think that it is an important read; there were a lot of problems addressed throughout this book and they were addressed in a way that I really appreciated. The only reason this book isn't a 5-star book for me is because my reading experience was ruined by other books. Hopefully, I will be able to read it again and be able to just enjoy it completely.