A review by cynnn
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross


Fast-paced, full of emotions and moments that made me gasp. It's been a hot minute since I read a book that made me feel as giddy as this one has and as frustrated, as well.

While I think some might feel that it's a tad too fast, between introducing the rivals to what happens at the end, I appreciate that we get just enough details and tons of progression, instead. Iris and Roman are interesting characters that are more self-aware than I expected and it's refreshing to see them admit to their feelings quickly – no lollygagging.

My only wish is that we got to explore more of the world and lore, but I imagine we'll get that in the next book. While not quite historical fiction, it felt like it enough in all of the best ways and none of the bad. The magical elements in this give the story that extra umph.

I'm excited to see where this goes and how my heart will continue to soar–or plummet.