A review by sreddous
Send Her Back and Other Stories by Munashe Kaseke


Challenging, suspenseful, and even uncomfortable in all the best ways.

These stories offer unique perspectives from a few different experiences that immigrants can have. It doesn't feel like it "speaks for all immigrants" as a monolith -- it just shows that these are some of the many problems and choices that immigrants and their families can face. For people who are in these communities, I imagine that there are raw and relatable things reflected here, and for people who aren't in these communities, it's eye-opening to see how even little difficulties can just pile and pile up.

Even in short-story format, it's easy to get immersed in all the decisions the characters make. Not all of the characters are "good people," but that just makes the topics and struggles and thought processes even more realistic and diverse here. Really thought-provoking stuff..