A review by beyondevak
Waiting on You by Kristan Higgins


Waiting On You was tremendous! It was beautiful and heartbreaking and funny and warm. It was silly and surprising and plain old wonderful! The characters were varied and so likable. (Although, the twins dad was a dink.) The story was well-rounded and attention-grabbing. Lucas and Colleen had quite a story.

Regarding the Characters:
I loved the tragic story of Lucas' background. It added layers to him and made me want to know him more.

Colleen was feisty, passionate about what she believed in, and hilarious. Did I say hilarious? Well, multiply that by ten and you would just about have it. (That meal that she cooked...hahahahaha!!! I could not stop laughing.)

Bryce was interesting. On the one hand, he was someone I wanted to totally see for the hotness factor, but on the other hand, he was a nice pushover/mama's boy. But thank goodness for Paulie.

Speaking of Paulie, I liked her. She was strong physically but there was so much more to her. She was wise to be so inexperienced. Her heart was good and she had a sincerity about her.

The twins' mom was funny and then some. The whole menopause angle was a hoot and a holler. Hahahaha...

Suzanna...aww. Adorable!

The hairy guy from the art class was noteworthy in a not so good way. Yuck-o!

This second chance story was sweet. I'm so glad I had a chance to read it. I could say more, but instead I will encourage you to read it for yourself. It's worth a look.

Rating: 4.5/5
Recommend: Yes

A complimentary e-copy of this title was made available by the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. The words I have shared are my own. I was not required to give a positive review.