A review by mlboyd20
Escapement by Ciara Knight


I would like to thank the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of Escapement in exchange for an honest review. Doing so does not sway my review in any way.

Science fiction...dystopian...romance...what more could this girl want? I jumped at the chance to read this novel. If food is the way to a man's heart, those three genres mixed together are the way to mine. The cover also drew me to this book, and amazingly did help me in the visualization of the main character, Princess Semara Valderak.

The title Princess is quite different in this book than the royalty that we are used to in our history. Yes, in some ways the same though. She had to look a certain way, act a certain way but in the end, she was more of a slave to her mother, the Queen, who demanded a puppet rather than a person to succeed her. Things head south quickly in this book and the life she was going to have to lead was stripped from her, but leaving her on the run and full of guilt.

At first, I found it a little hard to keep up with the different terms, characters and such, but after an adjustment period, both for Semara and for me, the reader, I started getting the hang of it. The author provided twists with the different gifts the people presented with and showed how their gifts weren't one dimensional, leaving the characters baffled at times. The romance in this book builds, but I felt it started to quickly with a bang. It just didn't seem natural with the predicament the assorted characters were in at the time.

This book is full of action, adventure, iron fist ruling, guilt, fear and hope. At times I found myself rereading a paragraph here and there because the action was so fast paced that I had skipped over some essential information. Those times reminded me of when I watch a movie more than once and notice things I hadn't before because my attention was originally on another character or item.

As I read, I found myself attaching to the characters and truly hating the ones that were evil to the core. When that happens, I know that the book has grabbed me, hook, line and sinker. Once that happens, I'm able to let go of any reservations and let the story sweep me away. Having said that, I look forward to reading the other books in this series.