A review by niksniks
Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution by Mona Eltahawy


“I implore allies of the countries in this part of the world to pay more attention to women’s rights and to refuse to allow cultural relativism to justify horrendous violations of women’s rights. This is very different from calling on anyone to “rescue us.” I insist on the right to critique both my culture and my faith in ways that I would reject from an outsider. I expose misogyny in my part of the world to connect the feminist struggle in the Middle East and North Africa to the global one. Misogyny has not been completely wiped out anywhere. Rather, it resides on a spectrum, and our best hope for eradicating it globally is for each of us to expose and to fight against local versions of it, in the understanding that by doing so we advance the global struggle.”

Hymens and headscarves is a collection of essays focusing on the impact of patriarchy on the lives of middle eastern and North African women. And how this unfair perception and mistreatment of women is shaped, justified and maintained. She argues that the toxic combination of culture and religion have led to the private and public control of women’s rights and bodies. She covers several topics – from virginity tests, sexual harassment in public, genital mutilation, domestic violence to marital rape. The stories she shared really helped paint a picture of the level of violence these women, including herself, have faced.Not an easy read but very informative.