A review by ahpotts
The Aurelia Curse by Cornelia Funke


This is the second book of the summer that I’m sad to rate as mediocre. The kids gave up on it months ago & I finally picked it up to finish it. We loved the first two in this series, and there’s still plenty to enjoy if you’re a fan (Lola remains my favourite character, hands down), but this one was bloated with characters (at one point I wished they had lest *someone* at home - and they added *new* characters! Sheesh!) and the plot lacked a sense of urgency. This might have been because the bad guy was almost laughable (though Cadoc Eelstrom is a great name) or maybe because the Aurelia’s mysterious pods were just too mysterious. No one, least of all the reader, understood either the loss or the gain that came with protecting her “pods.” I’m glad I read it because I like finishing trilogies, but I’m not going to push the kids to finish it.