A review by sandreea
Havoc of Souls by S.J. Sanders


3.5 stars

It was a fun read. I'm going to be honest and say that I started reading this book because... hello, horned demon. Still I was pleasantly surprised when it actually proved to be quite good. Nonetheless, I still have my nitpicks, and I have no shame in listing them.
Spoilers ahead~

What I liked:
-Interesting premise and interesting world building.
-I like the apocalyptic atmosphere. The feeling of continuous terror is always a nice touch to this types of books.
-I like the portrayal of humans as both extremely cowardly and self-serving, and helpful and brave.
I know that we'd all like to think that in case of a major disaster, humanity would band together. It's true, but as we'd seen this past quarantine some people care more about themselves than about the people they are supposed to love.
-Charu. Total badass. Bless his cute demon heart, I am glad that he is not alone anymore. Also, mf has snakes coming from his body. I think that it is a crime that they don't get a name.
-For some reason, the bits about being alone cut straight through my kokoro and I couldn't help but shed a tear or two.
-Charu embodies a few of my kinks... and yeah, he's the reason I read this book.
-For some reason these lines made me die laughing :"Your pleasure is mine",he growled. "I will not be rushed in providing our pleasure." All I could think was 'Ah, nice. Communism looks good on Charu. I approve, comrade.' (there's something to be said about a girl born after the fall of communism in her country, and that something is 'keep going lol')
-Meridith's willingness to survive and to fight back even when there doesn't seem to be anything you can do. I have to admire at least these qualities of hers. There will always be people who follow blindly, but it takes courage to say no when death stares back at you.
-Turan sounds like a chill goddess and I can't wait to see what she gets up to in the next book.
-The epilogue is cute (Charu will never again be alone-fuck, my eyes watered again).
What I didn't like:
-Excuse me for saying this, but were the editors eaten by a wulkwos? There were a few weird sentences and strange phrasing that made me go 'huh... Is the author from a non English speaking country or do the editors hate her?' If someone whose English is supposed to be her third language can spot these mistakes, the native speakers must really hate it.
-The book could've been better if the author would've spent longer working on it. It has a decent plot, the characters could be more fleshed out-true-, it has nice themes; if only it didn't feel so fanfic-y, so flimsy.
-I read 'Red' first. So you can imagine my surprise when the second half of the book mirrored the second half of 'Red'. Female lead is kidnapped and imprisoned inside a mansion and is forced to marry some bastard... hmm. Sounds familiar? Maybe it was not intentional, but I still spotted it and it pulled me out of the story.
-Meridith. She's ah... not the brightest bulb. I found myself a bit irritated at her sometimes. I understand that she's the medium by which we get our information about the world, but goddamn, homegirl is slow in making connections.
-'Elements of horror'? Girl, where? And I'm saying this as that annoying friend that talks shit during a horror movie because she's too scared to watch it in silence. There was nothing truly scary in the book, besides maybe the collective stupidity humanity is capable of. There's just some missed limbs and some bashed in heads, but like a little gore didn't hurt anyone.

So. I enjoyed this book for the most part. I do think that the author should spend more time on crafting her books and investing in a few trustworthy beta readers and some goddamn editors that do their job. I am, tentatively, going to read more of this author. Next I'm going to read Silvani's book and I wish future me luck. Ok, I'm done. Peace out✌