A review by la5
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne

challenging dark slow-paced


Everyone should read this book. It is not an easy read and offers no solutions, but it explains the problem comprehensively. Understanding the problem is a necessary step in developing a response.

I found the author's definitions of sexism (the justifying belief in female inferiority) and misogyny (the enforcing action to defend the patriarchy) to be very helpful in understanding how women could be so misogynistic. The section that explains how people can be misogynists without being sexist (ala Trump) was also extremely helpful.

I also found the description of what women provide (for free) that men feel entitled to as a valuable and limited resource to be illuminating -- the care work that is so financially devalued, but is the only thing that makes life worth living -- the only real deathbed regret people have is related to care and community with loved ones. Women are only "good" when they provide this valuable good earnestly, selflessly and without any demand on the socially superior men in her circle. Men feel entitled to this good & when it fails to manifest, they become enraged (and shamed at the same time). This is a toxic combination.