A review by woodmonsters
The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn


This is the third book by Kate Quinn and man, she sure knows how to write historical fiction. I found it a little more predictable than her other work, probably because I know her style at this point. The way she puts her main characters through experiences that harden them, then through loss & suffering, and finally a happy ending (A lil unrealistic in the case of lyudmilla, who in reality died at a relatively young age because she was an alcoholic).
Also, this book was released at what may not be the best time for lines like:
“You’re Ukrainian?”
“I’m Russian,” I answered levelly. These questions of nationality always irked me. We were all Soviets, weren’t we?”

Ngl it came across as a little tone deaf. No fault of the author, just a matter of circumstance.

Otherwise, great book. Enjoyed it a lot.