A review by hobbitfreddie
Boys Run the Riot 4 by Keito Gaku


Right so I absoultely love Riot. I love Ryo, he's such a great lead, and I love the fashion aspect. As a trans man I just love the representation. However since volume 1 set such a high bar, the other volumes didn't feel as good, but they did experiment with different plots and junk. I do feel there is passion and effort here, I'd rather see that than cookie cutter stuff.

I think the main complaint is it introduces too much new stuff for a final volume. I do wish there was one more volume, but the ending is satisfying enough. Everything does come full circle, everyone gets some spotlight. Isn't that enough?
The brand aspect is really focused on in this volume. There's some actual depth to it. Especially through the character of Joe-san.

Also focused on are the Boys' arcs. It's not too fleshed out for everyone- but still Because of the attempt it feels like a satisfactory conclusion. There's alot of style AND substance to this volume. The trans rep is still great. I really can't find any other complaints.

Oh-And there's a bonus comic of the mangaka's original story!

I definetly rec this series. I love it all. The characters and art great too!