A review by cadiva
Cold Pressed by Allison Temple


I found this one a much easier read than book one in this series because Nick and Oliver were both such utterly likeable characters with flaws and human frailties that didn't annoy me!

Now, don't get me wrong, book one is excellently written as well, the whole series has been quality, but Seb was a much harder character to me to root for whereas I just fell for these two guys who'd been a bit battered by life and were struggling with how to move forward.

I loved the way they started off with a no commitment it's only sex intention and I loved how rapidly that fell by the wayside as each found something they'd been missing in the other.

One thing though, which did puzzle me from the narrative, was time scales. It was difficult to work out just how long they'd been seeing each other before the I love yous came along.

Still, that's only a minor quibble in what was a really enjoyable read.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review