A review by backonthealex
Winter Lullaby by Dianne White


Like much of the country, it's bitter cold in NYC today so what better time than now to re-read Winter Lullaby with my young readers, especially since we are all basically hibernating anyway. Told in rhyming couplets (a favorite of my kiddos), the story begins just as winter is arriving in the forest. With cold winds and graying skies, Mama Bear tells Small Bear it's time for them to go to bed for the winter. As the pair head to their den, Small Bear wants to know why he must sleep when he spots first a scurrying mouse and the a wide awake chipmunk gathering nuts, to which Mama Bear explains: "Mouse is rushing to her nest./ In soft, dry grasses she will rest./ Chipmunk stores his cache below/ before he curls beneath the snow."

Moving on, Small Bear sees a skunk and a Hare romping in the snow and fallen leaves.

Why can't he stay up and play, too? But Mama Bear explains that they too will soon be sleeping away the winter.

Continuing on to their own den, Small Bear notices a busy badger and a raccoon. Thinking they are playing and not getting ready to sleep, Small Bear begins to protest going to bed because he wants to stay outside and play, too.

Mama Bear patiently explains to Small Bear that all the animals he has seen will soon be hibernating, too. And she promises that when they wake up, the world will be green and warm again, and Small Bear can go out and play. Meanwhile: "It's time, my cub, to close your eyes. / The night sings soothing lullabies./ We'll snuggle close all winter through./ I love you, Mama,/ I love you, too."

This is such a wonderful bedtime story for kids who are resistant to going to bed, and ending with am often needed reassurance that morning (spring) will come and they can play with friends again. It is also useful for introducing young readers to animals who hibernate and why. Lots of good conversation can result from both of these discussions. Dovetailing with the text are soft, digitally created illustrations that take readers from an autumn palette to a silvery white palette.

My young kiddos love this story and we have read it many times and what better endorsement than kids who keep asking for a story to be read to them again and again.

After you and your kiddos enjoy reading Winter Lullaby, you can download an activity kit HERE along with a doorknob hanger that can be printed out to let everyone know whether they are awake or hibernating HERE, and you can also find a fingerplay page called HERE-IS-A-CAVE. All fun indoor activities to get through the winter.

While this book was originally read as an eARC gratefully received from Edelweiss+, I ended up getting a hard copy for our little library of favorites.