A review by ederwin
Young Avengers Omnibus by Matthew Wilson, Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie


The first trade paperback of this 2013 version of Young Avengers is sub-titled "Style > Substance". And that is my reaction to the overall series.

I found volume 1 (issues 1-5) in a little free library box. Was intrigued by the cover art which looks so much like "The Wicked and Divine" (created by the same team). I was not let down by the art at all, liked the characters, and even liked the story. So I continued on with volumes 2 and 3 (issues 6-15). Art and characters remain strong, but eventually returned to what feels to me as a standard superhero comics story: a small group of special people save the entire world once again. No, make that the universe. No, wait, make that the multiverse. All saved by a few teenagers. Yawn! Superhero stories just really aren't for me.