A review by bookishlymarie
The Time of Green Magic by Hilary McKay


Reading this book felt like being let into the front of this ivy-covered house, surrounded by this strange but lovable family, and being absorbed by the magic of the pages. That is a more flowery open to a review than I normally do, but the nature of this book somewhat demands it. The plot revolves around a newly formed family moving into the only, slightly run-down, home they can afford, and the period of magical possibility that brings them together more deeply.

How the bonds of family are weaved with the magic is well done. While the way the narrative switched between characters could be somewhat disorienting, I can’t imagine it being any other way. It gave a chance to understand each member of this family and why they might struggle to understand each other. And that made the character moments all the more satisfying. The way magic manifests in this story appeals greatly to my book-loving heart. There was one character who I wish we had gotten a bit more of a chance to know, but to say who and why would be a spoiler. But, if you’re a fan of wild animal companions there is a treat waiting for you here.

That all being said, I feel like this story would be suited to a very particular audience of kids. That may be the British sensibility of it, or the whimsical, character-driven narrative. But, for that audience, I think it would be an impactful read. I enjoyed my time with it thoroughly.