A review by breathwords
Composition of a Woman by Christine E. Ray


Christine Ray’s first solo book is packed full of powerful lines. I loved the way it allowed her to develop a personal connection with her readers. She wove her story throughout five sections perfectly named, and I found pieces of myself in every one.

In Nerve, she touches on the physical, delving into the comparison of living with and without illness. It’s almost stream of consciousness. I found myself relating to every line and admiring the way she faces adversity with courage.

In Brain, I fell in love with the moody madness and the shadows. She describes the mental and emotional toil with heartbreaking ease.

In Breast, we see desire. Love, lust, longing reaching out for company. Page 68-9 evokes exquisite imagery of wanting and hunger.

In Rib, I found myself channeling her pain. These lines reminded me of the void that occurs when we lose something. I loved the piece on page 93, the pinpricks, because it ties back to earlier pieces.

Lastly, in Blood, Christine shows us her superpower: strength. On pages 112-3, she encourages us to rise up, stand tall, be proud, that we have got this, and she has got our backs.

If you’re looking for a book that understands you, that empathizes with you, that inspires you — look no further. I look forward to reading more by this talented poet.