A review by mmajer
Reviving the Hawthorn Sisters by Emily Carpenter


Unfortunately, I really struggled to get through this one. I was really really intrigued by the premise at first but then didn’t find it very plausible. Knowing that her grandmother was a con artist, Eve races to find a missing coin and clear her grandmother’s name of murder. I just couldn’t get behind the motivation being to protect her mother and brother from this scandal, just with how much Eve despised her grandmother. The point of view also alternated to Dove in the 30’s. While I was expecting this to be the most interesting part of the book, after Dove escaped from the psychiatric hospital I was bored out of my mind. The author did a fantastic job in creating an old southern setting though. The descriptions and the dialect definitely made me feel like I was transported back to Alabama in the 30s. Also, the cover art is stunning!

Many thanks to the publisher for providing me an ARC via NetGalley.