A review by kayleigh_jm
The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman


It's taken me quite a while to write a review as I was left with a lot of negative feelings towards this book immediately after reading it and need time to identify what it was I disliked so much about 'The Left Hand of God'.

In the end I realised I felt really let down by this book. The premise is the best thing about this book, it sounded great and was intriguing but it is terribly misleading. The writing is poor, I didn't connect or care about any of the characters and was left generally bored throughout. Normally I wouldn't mind reading a story where the main characters are teenagers but these characters felt childish, they lacked a certain depth to them and the decisions which they made didn't really make sense to me. I also felt confused as to when and where the story was supposed to be taking place and wish that Hoffman had spent a little more time filling in the back story to 'The Sanctuary' and the 'Redeemers'. Maybe I missed it but I just didn't get their motivation or objective for their actions or maybe the 'One True Faith' they believed in needed more explanation for me to truly understand?

I wish this had been better as I think it could have been a great story, unfortunately it just isn't for me.